Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Charlie Brown Christmas and other thoughts

In a few days I should be ready to post some very special photos, some of them never shown before.  They are the pictures of Laura at RVS taken by Star-Ledger photographer Bob Sciarrino  at the end of November 2006.  I am very grateful to Bob for providing them to us to show here on the blog.  So I hope you will check back in a few days to see these photos which capture so much of Laura.

We had a rainy day Sunday with snow on the ground to start.  The red berries of the winterberry bushes on Old Denville Road looked very pretty as always.  I believe I used to point them out to Laura as we drove by.  

This time of year I usually pull out a favorite seasonal CD for listening to in the car.  Should I dare to listen to the Starbucks 1997 offering of the original soundtrack of A Charlie Brown Christmas, which Laura often asked for and so loved to listen to going back and forth to Sloan Kettering in late 2005? Tears most certainly guaranteed to spring especially if listened to while cruising along Interstate 80 just as we often did in 2005 on the many trips back and forth to NYC around that time.  Or should I play it safe and listen to George Winston's December as I have for many years going back before Laura and even Suse were born?  We'll see...and if they sound interesting, I recommend both highly!

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